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Saturday, July 24, 2010


This one is definitely hard to beleive. I couldn't verify the authenticity of the message. Anyways Read on.................................

Dighi in Pune, the city of the brightest Indian defense research scientists and engineers is full of whispers these days. According to some sources in Pune the scientists are tight lipped and say they cannot speak till 2012. What is going to happen in 2012? No one knows but they keep saying before any question is asked – “I know nothing!” If you carefully keep your ears on these whispers you will realize India has tested something no one wants to talk about, It is a break through in conventional Physics and traditional mechanical and aeronautical engineering.

Still the question comes back why should all stay quiet till 2012? Where did this anti-gravity technology come from? Strange activities are being seen for quite some time in the Indian side of Himalayas. Some say the technology came from a Tampere University of Technology in Finland where an Indian scientist was research engineer. Others says it is really a planned diversion – it came from indigenous research that started in 1070s just after India exploded the first nuclear device in Pokhran. Mrs. Indira Gandhi in late seventies while communicating with news journalists once in Kolkata during a whirlwind election trip mentioned that India must research forgotten technologies that were part of Hindu mythologies like Ramayana and Mahabharata. When quizzed further she mentioned that like in ancient days we should be able to fly effortlessly.

Anti gravity technology can change India and the world. Uses seem limited only by the imagination: Lifts in buildings could be replaced by devices built into the ground. People wanting to go up would simply activate the anti-gravity device -- making them weightless -- and with a gentle push ascend to the floor they want.

Space-travel would become routine, as all the expense and danger of rocket technology is geared towards combatting the Earth's gravitation pull. By using the devices to raise fluids against gravity, and then conventional gravity to pull them back to earth against electricity-generating turbines, the devices could also revolutionize power generation.

India will most likely announce the discovery as part of peaceful innovation series. But obviously the military applications can make conventional missiles and aircrafts obsolete overnight.

Effortless lifting and low cost denial of gravity can change our world. And if the whispers are right, India may be changing the world forever.
With regards,

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